
I Love Female Muscle FAQ

Got questions? We've got answers. Take a look at our support page for help!

General Information

If you are like us you can't get enough female muscle videos. We are working feverishly to produce new content as often as possible!
Yep. Most of the clips do and we are sure you will not be disappointed!
Our site works on a micro-payment system which allows you to purchase videos one at a time. You pre-purchase a package of credits and then redeem the credits for videos. Once you purchase the full uncensored videos they will stay unlocked forever and you can view download or view them anytime from any computer or phone!
If you experience any problems, please send us a message on our contact us page and we’ll help you out!

Watching Videos

Yes! Every single video on the entire site can be previewed for free. Simply click on any video thumbnail to see a 30 second preview. Nothing is hidden and no endless tour pages, just lots of female muscle videos for you to enjoy!
Yes. Once you purchase a video you can download or stream the video anytime you'd like!
No. Once you purchase a video the ads on the player go away! All the other ads will remain.
We are using a HTML5 video player with a flash fallback so if you cannot play the videos it might be time to update your browser!
Yes. This site is compatible with all major desktops, mobile devices, and smart TV's!

Membership & Payments

No. The webcams are hosted on a separate domain and you will need to sign up for an account to enjoy the unlimited free rooms and join paid chats. On the webcams you are not charged anything unless you tip or go into clearly marked paid chat.
Please visit Epoch, our authorized sales agent.
There is no membership and no recurring billing. We run on simple one time payments. If you would like to delete your account just click the "Delete My Account" button on the My Account page.
Credits are as little as 25 cents each! The more credits you buy the cheaper they get and your credits will never expire. Once purchased the videos are your to keep and view whenever you’d like!
Once you purchased a package of credits just click the red "Buy" button and confirm your purchase. The video will be unlocked to view or download anytime you’d like.

18+ This site is restricted to adults only.

I Agree
Enter ONLY if you are over 18. By using the site I accept the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. No, I'll leave.

We're moving!

watch the same videos and more all streaming for one low price on muscle girl flix!